Location & Parking
Tay River Health Centre's address is:
9 Eric Devlin Lane, Suite 105
Perth, Ontario
K7H 0C4
The clinic is located at the corner of Scotch Line (Hwy #10) and Rideau Ferry Rd.
Parking is available to visitors and patients of the clinic and health centre. The building charges all visitors a flat rate of $2 for parking.
Appointments & Clinic Hours
All visits must be scheduled in advance, without exception. We are unable to accommodate walk-in patients.
The clinic is open for scheduled appointments Monday to Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Friday from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. It may be possible to schedule a same-day appointment, please call the clinic to speak with the receptionist about same-day appointment availability.
Current phone hours are listed on our automated answering service.
Please inform the receptionist of the exact nature of your medical problem so as to properly schedule the length of your visit and help our team prepare. Please bring your valid OHIP health insurance card to each appointment.
In most cases, you will obtain an appointment with your physician. However, physicians are not in-office 5 days per week as they have commitments outside of their family practices. If your physician is unavailable, however, or if the situation requires quick management, we will suggest an appointment with another physician or member of our medical team, subject to availability.
Our medical team is composed of medical students, family medicine residents, and nurses. In some cases, when indicated and when no same-day appointments are available, you will be directed to either call 9-1-1 or visit your nearest Emergency Department.
We will always try to see you at your appointed time. Unfortunately, given the unpredictability of some medical problems, there may be some delays.
You must arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment so that we may check you in, take you to the exam room, and so that the nurse may take your vital signs and obtain information pertinent to your visit.
Here is a non-exclusive list of the services for which you can see your healthcare provider:
Regular or follow-up visit
Same-day urgent issue
Infant exam
Periodic health exam
Surgical procedure or IUD insertion and removal
Prenatal follow-up
Postpartum visit
Follow-up of complex diseases such as diabetes or heart disease.
You may find it helpful and beneficial to prepare for an appointment ahead of time by jotting down what you would like to discuss during your appointment.
Additionally, bring a notepad with you to your appointment and take notes about what is discussed and decided with your physician. These notes may serve as a reference to help you remember the outcomes and/or course of action following your appointment.
Most appointments are 15-minutes in length. If you come with a list of multiple issues, physicians may not be able to address all of your medical concerns in one appointment and will prioritize what they consider to be the most time-sensitive. Another appointment will need to be booked to discuss the remaining concerns.
OceanMD: Electronic Patient Messages and Reminders
We are using electronic messages and reminders using a secure platform called OceanMD. Patient messages allow us to securely send reminders, messages and attachments (eg. requisitions, notes, results, etc.) to you as well as invite you to complete forms and questionnaires online at home before your appointment.
Email appointment reminders are offered as a courtesy to our patients, it is your responsibility to manage your appointment once you are given one. Please note that we do not make appointment reminder phone calls.
To send you messages and reminders, we will need your email address on file and your consent to communicate with you electronically. Please ask the receptionist how to sign up for this helpful tool. Once signed up, to ensure that these emails go to your inbox, do not flag them as spam.
Note that you will not receive an email appointment reminder for any appointment scheduled less than 48 hours ahead of time or if the appointment is with a nurse only (eg. injections, Paps, suture removal, etc.)
OceanMD: Online Appointment Booking
In an effort to reduce overall call volumes and minimize the administrative time spent on simply booking appointments online appointment booking via OceanMD. It’s simple, click the “Book Online” button at the top of our website to view appointment availability and to book your next appointment.
Please choose from the categories available to ensure the appointment is booked for the appropriate amount of time. If you don’t see a category for the type of appointment you need, please call us so the appointment can be booked appropriately.
We strongly encourage anyone with access to the internet to use this easy-to-use and helpful tool. It will help minimize unpredictable and sometimes very long call wait times, which can be frustrating for you.
A patient's guide to Ocean can be viewed here.
Symptom Screening
If you have any symptoms consistent with Covid-19, you will be asked whether you have done a rapid antigen test to rule out Covid-19 and when you arrive at the clinic’s reception desk, you will be asked some screening questions. If you’re experiencing any new symptoms which cause you to fail the screening, you may be offered a phone appointment so that your provider can do an assessment.
Missed Appointments and Late Arrivals
When you make an appointment at the clinic, time is put aside for you. Missed appointments without a 24-hour notice will be charged directly to you. The appointment card we offer you when the appointment is booked in-office serves as your reminder. Additionally, we offer the option of receiving appointment reminders via email using a secure messaging platform called OceanMD. Please make sure to take note of the appointment when scheduling it by telephone.
Please note that if you do not check-in by the time of your appointment, we may not be able to see you as planned and you will be offered to reschedule your appointment.
Repeat and frequent no-shows and/or cancellations without enough notice may result in termination of the patient-physician relationship and exclusion from the clinic.
Waiting is a Nuisance
No one likes to wait, we understand. Our physicians have multiple demands on their time including unforeseen emergencies and patients requiring extra time. When it is your turn, you will be given the same care and attention. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
Services Insured by Health Insurance
Services covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan will only be offered if a valid health card is presented at each visit. The Ontario government requires us to provide this information for each of your visits. Patients already registered, who do not have a valid health card, will be required to pay for services rendered. You will be issued a refund if a valid OHIP card is obtained and presented to the clinic within two (2) months of your visit.
Non-insured Services and Procedures
You will be charged out-of-pocket for some services and procedures that are not covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan. A list of the non-insured services and corresponding fees may be found below.
Fees for Non-Insured Services and Procedures
Starting October 1, 2023, we are joining PatientSERV, the Ontario Medical Association’s partner in uninsured services management. PatientSERV allows patients to easily manage their uninsured services payments through an online platform and dedicated support team, which will help you cover the costs of uninsured services in a hassle-free and efficient manner.
Through PatientSERV, we will also be offering the PS365 plan. This optional annual fee plan covers the costs of most uninsured services for one year (see full list of services for more details). We believe that the PS365 plan is fairly priced and hope that you will seriously consider the benefits for both you and your family.
Of course, you may choose not to participate in the PS365 plan program. In this case, any uninsured services you receive will be charged on a Pay-As-You-Go basis. Patients will receive invoices for uninsured services used and have the option of paying invoices online at www.patientserv.ca, by telephone, in-person (at the clinic) or via mail.
The administration of the PS365 program is handled for us by PatientSERV*. If you have any questions about this program, or would like to pay over the phone, please contact PatientSERV at 1-800-385-3210.
Regardless of the choice you make, please be assured that it will have no bearing upon the medical care you receive from us as your healthcare is our top priority. Thank you for placing your trust in us to provide you with the highest quality healthcare possible which we hope to fulfill for many more years to come.

These fees are subject to change without notice. Physicians reserve the right not to charge for certain items based on individual circumstances.
Forms and Certificates
Certain circumstances require you to have a form or certificate completed by your healthcare provider. We reserve 45 days, upon receipt, to complete and return these forms to you. We will call you when your forms are ready.
Prescription Renewal
Prescriptions are usually reviewed during an appointment. Physicians’ records only show medications which have been prescribed by them therefore it is your responsibility to let them know which medications you are on. It’s good practice to bring in your medications a couple of times a year so that the doctor is up-to-date on what you’re taking.
Before each visit, please make sure to check the number of remaining renewals for your prescriptions. We will endeavour to ensure that there are a sufficient number of refills until your next visit for re-evaluation of your medical condition.
It is your responsibility to make an appointment before your drug prescription expires. If you would like a prescription renewed without an appointment, you will be charged $25 per renewal request.
Please allow a 21 day processing time for prescription renewals once we receive the request. For ways to facilitate your renewals, we suggest you speak to your physician at your next visit to discuss alternative options.
Prescribing Opioids
Physicians may prescribe opioids for pain related to cancer. Physicians reserve the right to not prescribe opioids for their patients for chronic non-cancer pain. Any patient who is prescribed opioids shall complete an Opioid Agreement.
Exam Results
Unfortunately, it is not possible to communicate the results to each patient regarding exams or analyses that are within normal limits. You will be informed of any important or abnormal results. We invite you to make an appointment to discuss any concerns regarding your results.
Preventative Care
Preventive care helps detect or prevent serious diseases and medical problems before they can become major. Routine screening for certain cancers are key in early diagnosis.
Mammography (Mammogram): Every 2 years starting at the age of 50 for all women, earlier if indicated by family history of breast cancer.
Paps smears: A screening for cervical cancer in women, completed every 3 years starting at the age of 21 years or once you become sexually active.
FIT testing (fecal immunochemical test): A test completed every 2 years for men and women, starting at the age of 50. This test screens patients for colorectal cancer. A kit is mailed directly to your home, you provide one stool sample and return the kit by mail for analysis.
Flu Vaccines: To prevent the flu, the flu vaccine will be offered to patients of all ages every fall. We will plan vaccine clinics and can also give you your flu shot when you’re present for an appointment.
Our goal is to keep all patients up-to-date with these preventive care screenings. Once you are due for these screenings, our nursing team will order these tests for you, unless you’ve stated otherwise. If you have questions or concerns prior to the time you are due for routine screening, please speak with your physician.
Services for Patients After Clinic Hours and on Statutory Holidays
We do not offer extended service hours. If you require urgent consultation outside clinic hours, you can call either of these services:
1) Telephone Health Advisory Service 1-866-553-7205
This service is only available to patients who are enrolled in a Family Health Organization.
Hours of Operation:
Mondays through Fridays from 5:00 pm to 9:00 am
Weekends from 5:00 pm Friday to 9:00 am Mondays
24 hours a day on recognized holidays
When you call the Telephone Health Advisory Service you will be:
Connected to a nurse who will verify that you are enrolled with Tay River Family Health Organization
Asked a series of questions to assess your health concerns
Provided with health care advice so that you can manage your care at home and/or be advised to see your doctor or nurse practitioner within a few days.
Depending on your symptoms, the nurse may advise you to go to the nearest emergency department.
With your consent, the nurse will send information to your health care provider about your call to the Telephone Health Advisory Service.
2) Telehealth Ontario Toll-free: 1-866-797-0000 or Toll-free TTY: 1-866-797-0007
This is a free, confidential telephone service you can call to get health advice or general health information from a Registered Nurse. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If your situation requires it, call 9-1-1 or go to the Emergency Department at the nearest hospital. In order not to penalize our team, which provides you with essentially the same services, we ask that you not go to any other clinics (walk-in clinics).
Consultations With Specialists and Other Members of our Team
Referrals with specialists and other members of our team will be provided by your physician, if judged necessary, after discussion of your problem during a medical visit. Patients wishing to be directed to a health professional or a specialist must make an appointment. Please inform your physician during the visit if you wish to be referred to a specific professional.
Any change request regarding a specialist after an appointment has been made will be billed at the rate of $30.00 for administrative fees incurred. If, one month after your request, an appointment with another professional of our team or with a specialist has not been confirmed, please follow-up with the specialists’ clinic. Finally, when an appointment is missed, you are responsible for paying the fees imposed by the specialist according to their office policy.
Teaching Facility
Our clinic is a training site for physicians and other disciplines in family medicine. This means you may be seen by male or female nursing or medical students, and residents and their supervising nurse or physician. Please treat them with respect and help make them feel welcome.
Our Commitment to Your Privacy
Protecting patient privacy is not only the law, but it is an essential part of the Tay River Health Centre Team’s commitment to treating our patients with dignity, compassion and social responsibility. We take steps to protect your personal health information from theft, loss and unauthorized access, copying, modification, use, disclosure and disposal.
We take steps to ensure that everyone who performs services for us protects your privacy and only uses your personal health information for purposes to which you consent, or otherwise as permitted or required by law.
Collection of Personal Information
We collect personal health information under the authority of the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 and other laws.
The personal health information that we collect may include, for example, your name, date of birth, address, health history, records of your visits to Tay River Health Centre and the care you received during those visits.
As a general rule, we collect personal health information from you directly or from someone authorized by law to act on your behalf. We may collect it from others with your consent; if the collection is necessary for the provision of health care and it is not possible to collect it from you accurately or in a timely way; or for certain approved research purposes; or as authorized by law or by the Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario.
Use of Personal Health Information
Access to your personal health information is available to those who need it in order to provide care. This may include physicians, nurses, technologists, therapists and other health professionals. In addition to using your personal health information to treat and care for you, the Tay River Health Centre may use your personal health information to:
Educate our agents
Conduct research
Compile statistics
Comply with legal and regulatory requirements
Fulfill other purposes permitted or required by law
Plan, administer and manage programs, services and internal operations
Get payment for your treatment and care (from OHIP, WSIB, your private insurer or others)
Conduct quality improvement activities (such as sending patient satisfaction surveys)
Disclosures of Personal Health Information
Unless you tell us otherwise, we may disclose your personal health information to:
Care providers to determine suitability for services within the community or institutional providers, to provide for ongoing care, to improve/maintain the quality of your care and of those provided similar care, if the disclosure is necessary and consent cannot be obtained in a timely manner;
Shared electronic health systems that have been established to support your care across multiple healthcare organizations.
As permitted or required by the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004, we may also disclose your personal health information to:
The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care e-health projects
Approved research projects
The Medical Officer of Health to report communicable diseases
The Workplace Safety & Insurance Board Law enforcement officers who present a warrant or subpoena, or to aid in an investigation
Law enforcement officers who present a warrant or subpoena, or to aid in an investigation
A Children's Aid Society where child abuse is suspected; or the Children's Lawyer
The Public Guardian and Trustee
The Coroner
If you have questions or concerns, you also have the right to contact:
The Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario
2 Bloor Street East Toronto, ON M4W 1A8
Telephone: (416) 326-3333 or 1-800-387-0073
Fax: (416) 325-9195
Policy on Inappropriate Patient Behaviour
Inappropriate or abusive behaviour or comments, and harassment, or violence against a member of our staff, a physician or another client will not be tolerated or ignored at the clinic. We ask that all interactions with our staff remain respectful, including when speaking over the phone.
Any behaviour judged to be inappropriate, abusive, aggressive or intimidating, infringing on the dignity or respect of a person, be it physically, verbally or in writing, could result in the termination of the patient-physician relationship and exclusion from the clinic.
If the therapeutic relationship between physician and patient is severed for whatever reason, either by the patient or the physician, it is our clinic’s policy not to transfer care of the patient to another physician of the practice.
Providing Feedback
In order to enhance your experience at our clinic, we welcome your comments. Please discuss any concerns with your physician. If you have a formal complaint, please submit it in writing to the Operations Manager of the Tay River Health Centre so as to ensure an appropriate follow-up.